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/* setprn.f -- translated by f2c (version of 3 February 1990 3:36:42).
You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
-lF77 -lI77 -lm -lc (in that order)
#include "f2c.h"
/* Common Block Declarations */
struct {
integer ielmnt, isbckt, nsbckt, iunsat, nunsat, itemps, numtem, isens,
nsens, ifour, nfour, ifield, icode, idelim, icolum, insize,
junode, lsbkpt, numbkp, iorder, jmnode, iur, iuc, ilc, ilr,
numoff, isr, nmoffc, iseq, iseq1, neqn, nodevs, ndiag, iswap,
iequa, macins, lvnim1, lx0, lvn, lynl, lyu, lyl, lx1, lx2, lx3,
lx4, lx5, lx6, lx7, ld0, ld1, ltd, imynl, imvn, lcvn, nsnod,
nsmat, nsval, icnod, icmat, icval, loutpt, lpol, lzer, irswpf,
irswpr, icswpf, icswpr, irpt, jcpt, irowno, jcolno, nttbr, nttar,
} tabinf_;
#define tabinf_1 tabinf_
struct {
doublereal omega, time, delta, delold[7], ag[7], vt, xni, egfet, xmu,
integer mode, modedc, icalc, initf, method, iord, maxord, noncon, iterno,
itemno, nosolv, modac, ipiv, ivmflg, ipostp, iscrch, iofile;
} status_;
#define status_1 status_
struct {
doublereal atime, aprog[3], adate, atitle[10], defl, defw, defad, defas,
integer iwidth, lwidth, nopage;
} miscel_;
#define miscel_1 miscel_
struct {
doublereal tcstar[2], tcstop[2], tcincr[2];
integer icvflg, itcelm[2], kssop, kinel, kidin, kovar, kidout;
} dc_;
#define dc_1 dc_
struct {
doublereal fstart, fstop, fincr, skw2, refprl, spw2;
integer jacflg, idfreq, inoise, nosprt, nosout, nosin, idist, idprt;
} ac_;
#define ac_1 ac_
struct {
doublereal tstep, tstop, tstart, delmax, tdmax, forfre;
integer jtrflg;
} tran_;
#define tran_1 tran_
struct {
doublereal xincr, string[15], xstart, yvar[8];
integer itab[8], itype[8], ilogy[8], npoint, numout, kntr, numdgt;
} outinf_;
#define outinf_1 outinf_
struct {
doublereal value[200000];
} blank_;
#define blank_1 blank_
/* Table of constant values */
static integer c__1 = 1;
static integer c__7 = 7;
/*< subroutine setprn(loc) >*/
/* Subroutine */ int setprn_(loc)
integer *loc;
/* Initialized data */
static struct {
char e_1[8];
doublereal e_2;
} equiv_17 = { {' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '}, 0. };
#define ablnk (*(doublereal *)&equiv_17)
static struct {
char e_1[8];
doublereal e_2;
} equiv_18 = { {' ', ' ', 't', 'i', 'm', 'e', ' ', ' '}, 0. };
#define atimex (*(doublereal *)&equiv_18)
static struct {
char e_1[8];
doublereal e_2;
} equiv_19 = { {' ', ' ', 'f', 'r', 'e', 'q', ' ', ' '}, 0. };
#define afreq (*(doublereal *)&equiv_19)
/* Format strings */
static char fmt_91[] = "(/3x,a8,5x,14a8,a4)";
static char fmt_101[] = "(\002x\002/\002 \002)";
/* System generated locals */
integer i_1, i_2;
/* Builtin functions */
integer s_wsfe(), do_fio(), e_wsfe();
/* Local variables */
static integer loce, loct;
extern /* Subroutine */ int move_();
static integer ipos, npos, i, j, itemp, jstop;
#define nodplc ((integer *)&blank_1)
#define cvalue ((complex *)&blank_1)
static doublereal asweep;
extern /* Subroutine */ int outnam_();
/* Fortran I/O blocks */
static cilist io__15 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_91, 0 };
static cilist io__16 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_101, 0 };
/*< implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) >*/
/* this routine formats the column headers for tabular listings of */
/* output variables. */
/* spice version 2g.6 sccsid=tabinf 3/15/83 */
/*< common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem, >*/
/*< 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize, >*/
/*< 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr, >*/
/*< 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1, >*/
/*< 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd, >*/
/*< 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval, >*/
/*< 6 loutpt,lpol,lzer,irswpf,irswpr,icswpf,icswpr,irpt,jcpt, >*/
/*< 7 irowno,jcolno,nttbr,nttar,lvntmp >*/
/* spice version 2g.6 sccsid=status 3/15/83 */
/*< common /status/ omega,time,delta,delold(7),ag(7),vt,xni,egfet, >*/
/*< 1 xmu,sfactr,mode,modedc,icalc,initf,method,iord,maxord,noncon, >*/
/*< 2 iterno,itemno,nosolv,modac,ipiv,ivmflg,ipostp,iscrch,iofile >*/
/* spice version 2g.6 sccsid=miscel 3/15/83 */
/*< common /miscel/ atime,aprog(3),adate,atitle(10),defl,defw,defad, >*/
/*< 1 defas,rstats(50),iwidth,lwidth,nopage >*/
/* spice version 2g.6 sccsid=dc 3/15/83 */
/*< common /dc/ tcstar(2),tcstop(2),tcincr(2),icvflg,itcelm(2),kssop, >*/
/*< 1 kinel,kidin,kovar,kidout >*/
/* spice version 2g.6 sccsid=ac 3/15/83 */
/*< common /ac/ fstart,fstop,fincr,skw2,refprl,spw2,jacflg,idfreq, >*/
/*< 1 inoise,nosprt,nosout,nosin,idist,idprt >*/
/* spice version 2g.6 sccsid=tran 3/15/83 */
/*< common /tran/ tstep,tstop,tstart,delmax,tdmax,forfre,jtrflg >*/
/* spice version 2g.6 sccsid=outinf 3/15/83 */
/*< common /outinf/ xincr,string(15),xstart,yvar(8),itab(8),itype(8), >*/
/*< 1 ilogy(8),npoint,numout,kntr,numdgt >*/
/* spice version 2g.6 sccsid=blank 3/15/83 */
/*< common /blank/ value(200000) >*/
/*< integer nodplc(64) >*/
/*< complex cvalue(32) >*/
/*< equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1)) >*/
/*< data ablnk, atimex, afreq / 1h , 6h time, 6h freq / >*/
/* set limits depending upon the analysis mode */
/*< if (mode-2) 10,20,30 >*/
if ((i_1 = status_1.mode - 2) < 0) {
goto L10;
} else if (i_1 == 0) {
goto L20;
} else {
goto L30;
/*< 10 xstart=tcstar(1) >*/
outinf_1.xstart = dc_1.tcstar[0];
/*< xincr=tcincr(1) >*/
outinf_1.xincr = dc_1.tcincr[0];
/*< npoint=icvflg >*/
outinf_1.npoint = dc_1.icvflg;
/*< itemp=itcelm(1) >*/
itemp = dc_1.itcelm[0];
/*< loce=nodplc(itemp+1) >*/
loce = nodplc[itemp];
/*< asweep=value(loce) >*/
asweep = blank_1.value[loce - 1];
/*< go to 40 >*/
goto L40;
/*< 20 xstart=tstart >*/
outinf_1.xstart = tran_1.tstart;
/*< xincr=tstep >*/
outinf_1.xincr = tran_1.tstep;
/*< npoint=jtrflg >*/
outinf_1.npoint = tran_1.jtrflg;
/*< asweep=atimex >*/
asweep = atimex;
/*< go to 40 >*/
goto L40;
/*< 30 xstart=fstart >*/
outinf_1.xstart = ac_1.fstart;
/*< xincr=fincr >*/
outinf_1.xincr = ac_1.fincr;
/*< npoint=icalc >*/
outinf_1.npoint = status_1.icalc;
/*< asweep=afreq >*/
asweep = afreq;
/* construct and print the output variable names */
/*< 40 loct=loc+2 >*/
loct = *loc + 2;
/*< ipos=1 >*/
ipos = 1;
/*< npos=ipos+numdgt+8 >*/
npos = ipos + outinf_1.numdgt + 8;
/*< do 90 i=1,kntr >*/
i_1 = outinf_1.kntr;
for (i = 1; i <= i_1; ++i) {
/*< loct=loct+2 >*/
loct += 2;
/*< itab(i)=nodplc(loct) >*/
outinf_1.itab[i - 1] = nodplc[loct - 1];
/*< itype(i)=nodplc(loct+1) >*/
outinf_1.itype[i - 1] = nodplc[loct];
/*< call outnam(itab(i),itype(i),string,ipos) >*/
outnam_(&outinf_1.itab[i - 1], &outinf_1.itype[i - 1],
outinf_1.string, &ipos);
/*< if (ipos.ge.npos) go to 70 >*/
if (ipos >= npos) {
goto L70;
/*< do 60 j=ipos,npos >*/
i_2 = npos;
for (j = ipos; j <= i_2; ++j) {
/*< call move(string,j,ablnk,1,1) >*/
move_(outinf_1.string, &j, &ablnk, &c__1, &c__1);
/*< 60 continue >*/
/* L60: */
/*< ipos=npos >*/
ipos = npos;
/*< go to 80 >*/
goto L80;
/*< 70 call move(string,ipos,ablnk,1,1) >*/
move_(outinf_1.string, &ipos, &ablnk, &c__1, &c__1);
/*< ipos=ipos+1 >*/
/*< 80 npos=npos+numdgt+8 >*/
npos = npos + outinf_1.numdgt + 8;
/*< 90 continue >*/
/* L90: */
/*< call move(string,ipos,ablnk,1,7) >*/
move_(outinf_1.string, &ipos, &ablnk, &c__1, &c__7);
/*< jstop=(ipos+6)/8 >*/
jstop = (ipos + 6) / 8;
/*< write (iofile,91) asweep,(string(j),j=1,jstop) >*/
io__15.ciunit = status_1.iofile;
do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&asweep, (ftnlen)sizeof(doublereal));
i_1 = jstop;
for (j = 1; j <= i_1; ++j) {
do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&outinf_1.string[j - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(
/*< 91 format(/3x,a8,5x,14a8,a4) >*/
/*< write (iofile,101) >*/
io__16.ciunit = status_1.iofile;
/*< 101 format(1hx/1h ) >*/
/*< return >*/
return 0;
/*< end >*/
} /* setprn_ */
#undef cvalue
#undef nodplc
#undef afreq
#undef atimex
#undef ablnk